Thursday, December 15, 2011

Yum, words!

Every so often, I'll say or think something, and then almost instantly get a chance to eat those words. For instance, Gogo of JuicyBomb blog fame recently posted about how she'd recommend blogging over modeling, at least if you're doing it to make a name for yourself. And I, having spent freakin' 8k on just the modelling CLASSES and not had anything to show for it, thought "You know, she's right. Blogging is where it's at. You're not dependent on anyone else, you get to express yourself artistically, and it's just fun. Never mind, SL modeling career, best of luck to you."

So when my friend Joie asked if I wanted to be in a fashion show this weekend, I said "Of COURSE!" Yeah, I do that. But I still think it's going to be a blast, and hey, not actively pursuing something doesn't mean I can't be enthusiastic when it comes knocking.

I can't share all the details yet (because I don't have them), but the theme of the show is "Ice Queen," I'm walking with a bunch of other sexy dommes, and it should be a lot of fun to watch. You'll get shots of my outfit(s) Saturday afternoon.

Because of the show, though, I was feeling a little dark, and a little artsy, so y'all get to "appreciate" my take on Black Swan. Enjoy?

As ever, what you see in the picture is what I see on-screen, unless I say otherwise, ain't nothin' been edited. I'm still trying to find a way to make shadows work on my viewer, because they would have been very cool for this shoot, but even trying makes my entire screen go black. Boo.

Style notes:
Dress: Vita's Boudoir - Black Swan Ballerina Dress (long ago purchase)
Boots: Sn@tch - The Bitch Ballet Boots
Nails: Mandala - Nail Palette 2/Long
Hair: Truth - Jocelyn
Skin: Glam Affair - Gio Black Snow (available at the Dressing Room for one more day!)
Eyes: Glam Affair - Stella Eyes

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