Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things are looking up

Not necessarily looking better, I'm not much more impressed with my photos today than I was yesterday. But, I got out today. I went to an event at my home sim, I met some new people, I played some games. I laughed a lot (Thank you, Pamela. <3)

And, I was actually motivated to get all mixy-matchy with my outfit. Everything I'm wearing today is something that was already in my inventory, since I'm still working on the big overhaul. I've got all my body parts done, yay! Now, on to clothing. ~dies a little inside~

Since I am still at SAG for a few hours a day, and didn't feel like changing a whole lot, I ended up pretty business chic. But it is more involved than what I've been wearing, so I'm happy.
I have to say, I love cute little jackets. They do so much to dress up an outfit and make it new, even if it's the same skirt and tank top you wear all the time. Finding just the right one to show off the high waisted skirt was a pain, but I think I managed it in the end.

Also, I'm finding myself at the forefront of the mesh craze. I'm picky about what I wear, but that's true of all types of clothing. At least in-world. And I have been loving SLink's mesh shoe offerings so far. I've seen the thigh highs and the glitter peep toes blogged elsewhere, so you get the ankle boots from me.
The detail is gorgeous, and the lines are perfect, just what I'd want to be wearing in RL. These mesh boots are a little different from anything else I've seen too, in that they actually come with a sizing HUD. No more trying on eight different sizes of boot (or dress, or tank top) to see which one almost fits you. You can customize as you like, for just about any size avi. Yay!

So that's me today. I'm going to try to get somewhere new tomorrow, meet some more new people, and hopefully have a damned good time. Oh! And I've got Silence on the MenStuff hunt, so we'll get something for the guys in here soon, and there's also VINTAGE FAIR HOLY CRAP I'M EXCITED. Lots to do today!

Style Credits:
Skin: Filthy - Jasmine 01
Hair: Truth - Paula
Nails: Mandala - Nail Palette 2/Long
Skirt: Riddle - High Waisted Skirt
Tank: Izzie's - Tank Top White
Jacket: R.icielli - MISSEILING Jacket
Necklace: Rozoregalia - Gemma Necklace

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