Thursday, November 10, 2011

Insert witty title here?

I've had a loooong day, emotionally speaking. Maybe I'll post about it in my whiny baby-pants blog. But I won't trouble you all with it. Suffice to say, I don't have a lot to say today.

As usual, I opened my 15,000 item inventory this morning and thought "I have nothing to wear." So off to the Marketplace it was, to randomly browse the featured items. And lucky me, I stumbled upon Grasp, who gave me a few nice new pieces, but most notably the focal point for today's outfit.

Hmm. That's displaying really small on my screen. Whatever, click through, you know the drill.

I have to say, I was very impressed with the texturing of this dress, and it was super easy to fit to me, despite the bottom piece being a little oddly shaped. And it's a great combination of classy and punky, without veering into slutty territory, like a lot of their Western pieces. The kimono are also not slutty, kind of by definition. >_>

The boots are Gos, and when you get them, they are one color. In my case, black. But - and I love this - you can get paint jobs for the boots, in a whole mess of other colors, and you load the paint jobs into the boots themselves, which means you can dye different parts of the boot different colors. Seriously cool.

Oh, did I mention it was a long day? That'll explain the other important part of the outfit.

Nothing cheers me up more than a sassy hat! I love fedoras especially, and they're so hard to find in SL. If they're not attached to the hair, they're about fifteen sizes too big and look ridiculous, and if they are attached to the hair, the hair is usually crap. Thankfully, Truth Hawks heard my prayers (a long time ago, I think) and fashioned this beauty, with the retexturable hat, and it makes me supremely happy. The hair isn't perfect, but it is very cute, and goes with a whole bunch of different looks. Thank you Truth!

Style Credits:

Hair: Truth - Trina
Skin: LAQ - Vilda 04
Dress: Grasp - Hooded Mini Dress
Boots: Gos - Curvaceous Boots
Bracelets: Insanya - Zed is Dead Baby
Necklace: Rozoregalia - Gemma Necklace

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