Saturday, November 12, 2011

LOTD 11/2

Man, inspiration has been sparse lately. I've been so caught up working at SAG, which takes up virtually all of my online time these days - I barely even have a few minutes to shop! I know, shameful.
Don't get me wrong, I like the job. I really like the people. I just need to get out and explore more than I have been. So I'm trying to make sure I do that. No more than 4 hours a day at SAG now, and those are the days I actually have auctions. 3 hours a day, otherwise.

So I also haven't been putting as much into my outfits. I'm at work, so I need clean, simple, elegant. I don't want to take attention away from the lots on display, I want to look professional. And that's one reason that fall is my favorite season, for clothing. Why? Two words.

Sweater dresses!
I must have 15 of these goofy things; I'll try to remember to do an exact count once I'm done with my inventory overhaul. But I love them! They're simple, classy, and you can dress them up or down, depending on what you put with them. With a nice pair of Bax's heeled boots, and a belt from Earthstones, I went just a little bit up, but stayed far from formal.

The belt was my only new purchase today, I got it specifically to go with the dress. I've known about Earthstones for a long time, but have only recently started coming to want... well, everything they make.
I hate the picture of the belt, but I love the belt itself. The metal is color change between silver and bronze, and the stones are color change as well. All of them. You can get a huge number of combinations, so it'll go with anything. And it was easy to fit, although if it hadn't been, I'd have changed my shape rather than trying to mess with the mod script.

And as you've been able to tell, I've been in a punky mood recently. So I was also sporting a new favorite set of piercings, a hunt gift from Pekka.
Wow, my photos are crap today. But the piercings? Still cool! These didn't quite fit right when I first put them on, and the shadows behind the balls were a bitch and a half to edit. But well worth it, in the end, and it really only took a few minutes.

Tomorrow, I'm visiting some place new. I don't know where, don't really care, I just need a new SL experience. Hopefully it'll get me writing something a bit more novel than a look of the day. Until then, cheers!

Style Credits:
Skin: League - Taylor, Apricot
Hair: Truth - Pandora
Dress: Riddle - Basic Sweater Dress
Boots: BAX - Prestige Boots
Belt: Earthstones - Sol Mix Belt
Piercings: Pekka - Mushroom Hunt (Mushroom Hunt Prize, L$0!)

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