Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's been a long time coming

So, recently I've sworn off the SL dating scene. Too much heartache, too much drama, too many misunderstandings. And not nearly enough vibrant, joyful, worthwhile moments. So screw it, I don't need this. Which leaves me with only one option. I have to become...

a crazy SL cat lady.

I made my first foray into cat lady-ness this morning, and I don't even know why. I was just bopping along doing a hunt when I thought "I'm getting a cat." So I got two.

Meet Chicago (top) and Circe (bottom). He's a charcoal Bengal, and she's a silver and white tabby. And they are adorable. I mostly got them just to walk around and be cute, but I'm finding myself liking them way more than I expected. They're a little more self-directed than most of the pets I've come across, and while the animations aren't any more fluid, I'd say they're more realistic. And there's enough variation that even if you've got a couple of the same breed, you don't feel like you've got two of the same cat. 

So yeah, I think I've found my calling. I'm done with love, just give me oodles of kitties. And sadly, I have a feeling I will end up with oodles. For now, though, it's been a long enough day. For all of us.

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